3 Secrets On How to Do Yoga

We all know yoga is for everyone but how to do yoga is as vast as you can imagine. There isn’t a right or wrong way but there is a, your way, of doing yoga.

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Apply the 3 secret ingredients to this Simple and Slow Morning Yoga Flow

Yoga is made up of practices and techniques that help you know the truth of who you are. And trust me, we are ever-evolving and growing which is why this is a lifelong practice. Moment-to-moment, day-to-day, year-to-year experiences shape us and allow us to continue to discover the truth.

If this isn’t what you seek from your yoga practice because you believe you already know yourself and you only want the ways to perfect the specific aspects of yoga, then ok. I am not here to convince you otherwise but you should know that it will happen nonetheless; it’s simply a result of the practice.

So, whatever the level of your adhikara (capacity / ability) these 3 secrets on how to do yoga will be beneficial.

How to do yoga (and life):

Secret 1


Be it meditation, physical flow, mental exercises, or being in the flow state while working. Seriously, yoga can happen at any point doing many things. But what these all have in common is breath. Your breathing is vital, vital, vital. Atune and understand how you breathe. This alone will get you far and deep in your yoga practice; it’s the crux of your mind and your body. The state of your breath will tell you soo much truth that you may either be ignoring or are simply not aware of.

Secret 2


This is a key ingredient in your yoga. Overlooking or not having this mindset and approach can take away the juicy fruits of any practice. If you can approach each session, practice, and piece of your life with the taste of being a beginner and being curious about the experience you will be doing the opposite and allow the ego and the assumption that every practice should be the same. Each practice should yield the result you expect and intended. But this is not how practice can always be done.

Here is an example: you meditated and came out of practice feeling rested, calm, and softer; your exact intention of practicing. So now the next time you come to your meditation or practice you may hold the same expectation. You will see that each practice can be done with an intention but the result and the fruits of the practice may shift due to a myriad of reasons. But you will blame yourself, blame the practice. When in actuality the practice worked, you just were given a different result than you expected.

Curiosity will guide you to have a student’s mind and receive what the practice has shown you. Each practice you show up for offers you the chance to witness yourself and see what’s happening behind the lids and in the body.

Intention in practice is a powerful tool but so is curiosity. When learning the secrets of how to do yoga apply curiosity and you are already increasing your adhikara.

Secret 2


Viveka (discernment) is a tool to use and a skill to be enhanced on your journey. When you apply and use discernment in life and practice you are making a conscious choice based on your intuition. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else.

An example would be the ability to discern healthy food over rotten food. Clean water over dirty water. You discerning alignment in your practice. Some may hear their intuition louder than others and some may think it’s their intuition when it very well could be the mind.

As you build and grow in yoga you will notice that the ability to discern, to apply viveka will be easier and clearer to hear. It will inherently grow the more you practice.

How you do yoga (and life) will be through discernment – conscious decisions made to bring you closer to the whole point of yoga, yourself.

So, the secrets on how to do yoga and life are breathing, having a curious approach, and using discernment. As part of the journey allow these to grow and strengthen and watch as you take yourself to a whole new level of self-awareness.

This post was all about the 3 secrets on how to do yoga (and life) correctly.